Network Name: Jonathan Smith.
ASN: 200731
IPv4: No
IPv6: Yes
Transit Available: No
Peering Available: Yes, Peering over IX.
Tunnels: No
- Hurricane Electric
- Cloudie
- Hyehost
- xTom
- AlphaLayer
- iFog
We’re currently connected to the following IXPs:
- ONIX (100M) [Toronto]
- F4IX (1G) [Kansas City]
- FogIXP (1G) [Kansas City]
- LOCIX Dusseldorf (1G) [Dusseldorf]
- We provide peering over mutual exchanges (listed above)
- Must have a valid PeeringDB profile. (With REAL Limits)
- No abuse, fair use bandwidth.
Peering Requests can be sent via email to